Please join empathic healer and spiritual teacher Matt Kahn as he explores everything is here to help you.
01:18:10 min
Developing a Spiritual Practice - A Monk's Top 5 Tips With all that has been happening throughout the world, people are recognizing the importance of developing and maintaining a spiritual practice. A spiritual path helps to keep us grounded, mindful, and connected.
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You first develop your ego when you are two or three years old. It creeps into existence the moment you realize that you are not empty—you are a self, and everyone else has a self in them. As you grow up, it latches onto positive and negative feedback and uses them to build the story of who you are.
Recorded April 24th, 2020 1000 people gathered on Zoom to hold a "Anxiety-to-Empowerment" Council Discover the place where " your deepest gladness and the world's deep hunger meets." - Frederick Buechner Discovery your soul-level purpose with a soul-infused community at Purpose Guides Institute.