Seat of the Soul Life School presents "Spiritual Growth Requires Relationships.
03:37 min
“When we are interconnected, when one of us heals, we all heal.”
Shelly Tygielski explores how consistently showing up for yourself first lays the foundation for our life’s purpose—showing up for others—and how to create your own self-care practice.
Although the connections are not always obvious, personal change is inseparable from social and political change.
This is Rudhyar’s major philosophical and psychological work, the concentrated outcome of a lifetime concerned with the most basic problems of human existence and the meaning of radical social-cultural crisis mankind is experiencing.
How do we love in a time of rage? How do we fix a broken world while not breaking ourselves? Valarie Kaur—renowned Sikh activist, filmmaker, and civil rights lawyer—describes revolutionary love as the call of our time, a radical, joyful practice that extends in three directions: to others, to our...