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Daniel Siegel: How to Stop Tantrums

By Daniel J. Siegel — 2013

Can giving toddlers a short lesson in neurology help curb tantrums? Dr. Dan Siegel’s advice for helping kids understand how their brains work.

01:05 min


How Language Shapes the Way We Think | Lera Boroditsky

There are about 7,000 languages spoken around the world—and they all have different sounds, vocabularies and structures.

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Out-of-Body Experiences, Consciousness, and Cognitive Neuroprosthetics: Olaf Blanke at TEDxCHUV

"What is a conscious self ? What exactly makes an experience a subjective phenomenon ? Starting with the neurology of out-of-body experiences and the breakdown of bodily mechanisms of self-consciousness, this talk presents novel neuroscience data on self-consciousness and subjectivity in healthy...

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Helping Children Deal with Emotions