Martin Seligman’s keynote address to the Wellbeing Before Learning; Flourishing students, successful schools conference
01:06:40 min
What kind of world would we have if we all realized what kind of mind we had and began appreciating it? What if we did the same for others? In this talk, Brian Kinghorn champions the cause of Neurodiversity, arguing that there is not just one “standard-issue” brain.
Sir Ken Robinson outlines 3 principles crucial for the human mind to flourish—and how current education culture works against them.
Dr. Jessica Dere explains how culture makes a difference when thinking about mental health and mental illness. Across mental health research, clinical care and teaching, there are profound rewards to be had by truly understanding individuals in context.
Science tells us that the foundations of sound mental health are built early in life. Early experiences—including children’s relationships with parents, caregivers, relatives, teachers, and peers—interact with genes to shape the architecture of the developing brain.
Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures, rather than undermines, creativity.