Martin Seligman’s keynote address to the Wellbeing Before Learning; Flourishing students, successful schools conference
01:06:40 min
An undocumented student shares how she was still able to pay for college despite not being eligible for federal aid.
Sir Ken Robinson outlines 3 principles crucial for the human mind to flourish—and how current education culture works against them.
Temple Grandin gives the Sunday keynote for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences' Induction weekend on "Educating Students Who Have Different Kinds of Minds.
Edutopia revisits its 1997 interview with Harvard University Professor Howard Gardner about multiple intelligences and new forms of assessment. Create a free account today to join the Edutopia community and subscribe to our weekly newsletter: https://edut.
Howard Gardner's landmark theory of multiple intelligences called into question the value of the IQ test and the notion that someone's intelligence is dominated by a single, measurable general ability.
Stony Brook University’s “Five Questions With …” video series showcases leaders from every field, sharing ambitious ideas and imaginative solutions for education and the global future.
Journey interview with Rosie Molinary, Chair of Circle de Luz. Rosie’s own experiences growing up caused her to write a book and look into what it’s like today for Latina girls. What she found was, among other things, a 41% drop out rate from high school.
Wellness should be accessible to everyone. How can we use privileged practices to address social isolation in underserved communities?