The work of Moshe Feldenkrais, DSc.
00:46 min
Being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment can impact a patient's mental well-being. This video discusses anxiety and general mood as it can relate to a cancer experience.
No one is prepared for a brain tumor diagnosis. But there are ways to manage some of the most bothersome effects. Which of these might work for you?
Fireside Fridays is the “cancer content” video series from Teen Cancer America! This week, we talk about depression. Teen Cancer America partners with hospitals throughout the United States to develop specialized facilities and services for teens and young adults with cancer.
When Paula’s sudden-onset depression didn’t respond to traditional treatment she turned to her Family Medicine physician who’d known her for many years for help. Dr. Cindy Mitch-Gomez looked deeper into her symptoms to reveal a dangerous diagnosis. Watch as Paula takes us through her journey.
Feelings of anxiety, stress and depression are not uncommon for people with breast cancer, whether they’ve just been diagnosed, are undergoing treatment or are a survivor. Stephanie H.
Dr. Suzanne Conzen discusses her research on the effect of stress on cancer.
Here is video 4/5 talking about the emotion of Hate and Anger, two emotions that can lead you to a dark place. However I had to go through that darkness before I got to acceptance
Going through cancer treatment can be an emotional roller coaster. Psychiatric Oncologist Dr. Wendy Baer gives some tips to keep you moving forward.
Swami Mukundananda in this talk to doctors at MD Anderson Cancer Center explains in detail about the Mind-Body connection behind illness and wellness. The Mind has a huge impact on our Health.
Wellness Warrior and cancer Thriver, Kris Carr, brings her Crazy Sexy talk to Wanderlust Festival in Stratton, VT in June of 2011.