06:06 min
An inspirational story about the body's ability to teach the brain. A baby born 20 years ago without a third of her cerebellum was given a grim prognosis by medical doctors: she could never walk or talk. Now the young woman enjoys a nearly normal life and is a college student.
Standing to sitting; sitting to standing. Safe and easy.
The South Bend Workshop with Moshe Feldenkrais is as close to a live experience of Feldenkrais's teaching as you can get today. It is currently the only workshop Feldenkrais taught for the public where you have the video image to go with the audio.
A documentary about Moshe Feldenkrais and the method he created.
Learn how to enhance your immune system and find the key to good health. This inspiring program leads you through several empowering meditations, each a combination of guided imagery and autohypnosis.
Dr. Bernie Siegel speaks on the Art of Healing in Simsbury CT.
When Paula’s sudden-onset depression didn’t respond to traditional treatment she turned to her Family Medicine physician who’d known her for many years for help. Dr. Cindy Mitch-Gomez looked deeper into her symptoms to reveal a dangerous diagnosis. Watch as Paula takes us through her journey.
Dr. Suzanne Conzen discusses her research on the effect of stress on cancer.