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Michael Pollan — Food Rules for Healthy People and Planet

By Michael Pollan — 2010

Award-winning food writer Michael Pollan shows how we can become more mindful of what we eat, and how we can make food choices that are better for ourselves and our environment

39:45 min


Transforming Compulsion -- Facing Defense Mechanisms from Conscious Awareness | Jon Bernie

Nondual spiritual teacher Jon Bernie describes the three primary ways we compulsively struggle with our experience -- pulling it towards us, pushing it away, and trying to understand it -- and the falling away of these dynamics as we learn to fully allow the condition as it arises in the space of...

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On Consciousness: A Dialogue with Peter Russell

Physicist and author Peter Russell joins Eckhart Tolle in a fascinating dialogue about the nature of consciousness.

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Are There Stages of Realization?—Rupert Spira

A conversation with Rupert Spira about the unfolding of his realization.

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What Everyone Gets Wrong About Anxiety

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Healthy Eating