56:46 min
John C. Parkin (author of the bestselling F**k It books) introduces his 'F**K IT REVOLUTION', using special 'scripts' to change the negative scripts that we're received throughout our lives and that have driven our thought process and thus our lives.
What does it take to be your best when it matters most? Author of 7 bestselling books, Pulitzer Prize nominee, and Director of Research at the Flow Genome Project, Steven Kotler studies ultimate human performance, what is actually possible for our species, and where–if anywhere–our limits lie.
A former felon, turned doctor, clinical director, and professor, Dr. B J Davis is living proof that our past doesn’t dictate our future. Our past can refine us. He shares his story of coming to the realization that he needed to create own miracle. Dr.
When we understand that our behaviours and thoughts are a result of our subconscious programming, we can deconstruct where those limiting beliefs came from and we are able to free ourselves from them and experience true liberation.
Mel Robbins says it only takes 5 seconds to change your life. In her now famous TED talk that's been viewed millions of times, Robbins breaks down how simple and effective this simple system can be.