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Michelle Obama’s 2020 Commencement Address | Dear Class of 2020

By Michelle Obama — 2020

With commencements and graduations across the country cancelled, Former First Lady Michelle Obama and her Reach Higher initiative teamed up with YouTube to celebrate students reaching this major milestone. See more...

17:24 min


Sojourner Truth—Civil Rights Activist | Mini Bio | BIO

Sojourner Truth (born Isabella Baumfree, c. 1797 to November 26, 1883) was an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist best-known for her speech on racial inequalities, "Ain't I a Woman?", delivered extemporaneously in 1851 at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention.

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Debbie Ford Shares The Vow of the Courageous Warrior

Debbie Ford Shares The Vow of the Courageous Warrior from COURAGE: Overcoming Fear & Igniting Self-Confidence

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Luvvie Ajayi Jones: Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Luvvie Ajayi Jones isn’t afraid to speak her mind or to be the one dissenting voice in a crowd, and neither should you. “Your silence serves no one,” says the writer, activist and self-proclaimed professional troublemaker.

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The Psychology of Conformity

This video, building on the ideas of Ernest Becker, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Emerson, examines why we are so susceptible to conformity and looks at why nonconformity, or the cultivation of one’s uniqueness, is such an important ingredient in a life well-lived.

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Brené Brown: How to “Brave the Wilderness” & Find True Belonging

Marie joins cultural icon Brene Brown in Texas to talk about her book “Braving the Wilderness.” Brené explains how to balance our need for individuality and standing out with our innate need for social acceptance.

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