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Alberto Villoldo - the Mind of God, the Brain of Man, the Heart of the Shaman

By Alberto Villoldo — 2020

The Mind of God, the Brain of Man, the Heart of the Shaman Why is DMT, the Spirit Molecule, found in every living being from trees to whales? What part does it play in creating exceptional health and in human evolution? Shamans have long known the brain is wired for bliss, spirit and infinity. See more...

57:03 min


“Crazy Sexy Life” Kris Carr at Wanderlust’s Speakeasy

Wellness Warrior and cancer Thriver, Kris Carr, brings her Crazy Sexy talk to Wanderlust Festival in Stratton, VT in June of 2011.

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Dr. Dean Ornish: Your Genes Are Not Your Fate

Dr. Dean Ornish shares new research that shows how adopting healthy lifestyle habits can affect a person at a genetic level. For instance, he says, when you live healthier, eat better, exercise, and love more, your brain cells actually increase.

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The BMI: Myth or Reality? Keynote Address by Jane Brody

Part one of IWL Consortium Initiative on Women and Health Conference "The Body Mass Index: Myth or Reality? Health, Wellness and Self Esteem in Women" on April 7, 2014 at Rutgers University Keynote address by Jane Brody, New York Times Health Columnist

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Future of Religion, Spirituality and Meditation

William’s 20-minute talk at the Findhorn Foundation in October 2018.

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Sam Harris And Rabbi David Wolpe Does God Exist?

The American Jewish University hosted authors Sam Harris and Rabbi David Wolpe to discuss the existence of God and the role of religion and faith in society.

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Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story

Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story explores the extraordinary life and legacy of one of the most important religious figures of the 20th century.

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13 Strength-Training Benefits for Seniors (Why Build Muscle after 50?)

Should seniors lift weights? Are there benefits to strength training after 50? Yes, and yes! Here are 13 things you will benefit from by building stronger muscles, no matter how old you are. You are never too old to improve your health, and lifting heavy things will help you do that.

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Biohacker’s Handbook: Biohacking Physical Exercise

Upgrade the fundamentals of a balanced life in guidance of preventive health doctor Olli Sovijärvi, technology expert Teemu Arina and nutrition specialist Jaakko Halmetoja: What is the 20% that will lead to 80% of the results when it comes to optimizing sleep, nutrition, exercise, work, and mind?...

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Françoise Bourzat: Psilocybin

Françoise Bourzat speaks about her journey with psilocybin.

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Who Is Patanjali and What Is Yoga? | A Film About Yoga in Simple Words | Project Shivoham

A compehensive documentary on Yoga, curated for a simple understanding!

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South American Shamanism