This is your Wednesday Energy Minute with Donna Eden, Titanya Dahlin, and Dondi Dahlin from Rockport, Massachusetts!
01:04 min
This is 3 hours deep meditation music to boost your aura. This music helps you to enhance positive energy inside your mind and body. It is also very helpful to activate your chakras. In a spiritual sense, we believe that we radiate an energy field or aura around us that others might feel.
Barbara Brennan and Michael Toms discuss energy healing back in 1998.
Barbara Brennan sits down with Portland Helmich back in 1998 for a very informative and educational interview.
In this brief talk, we'll chat about the Auric Field as the subtle energetic body and how it acts as a marker to your overall health and well-being. We'll chat about improving the function of the auric field through self-care practices rooted in Yoga, Jyotisha and Ayurveda.
In this episode, host Curtis Childs guides us through 18th-century spiritual philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg’s written records about his explorations of the afterlife to see what they say about auras, and more specifically, what they reveal and how we can cultivate positive auras within ourselves.
I absolutely love interacting with you so often through my digital channel and talk about everything that interests me and facts that help us understand ourselves better. Today I will be talking about something that I have been studying for some time now - AURA.
Would you like to know the colors and meanings of your aura? In this video, Craig explains the meanings of the colors of the aura and how to find out what are your aura colors. The colors of the aura are not fixed.
This guide shows you How To Read An Aura
Did you know that everything has an aura? In this video, you'll learn to see the human aura for yourself.