In this video session, Tami Simon asked Caroline Myss about her insights into the deeper effects and hidden opportunities of this pandemic.
34:17 min
'Wherever You Turn Is the Face of God' -- talk by Camille Helminski, taken at the Baraka Retreat 2011
Sufism is a discipline, a methodology, for enhancing and refining spiritual perception. The human being has a range of subtle faculties for knowing, the totality of which we can call the spiritual heart. The science of the heart is a science of qualities, not quantities.
Shaikh Kabir Helminski offers a sohbet (discourse & discussion) on July’s theme of the month: “Be cleansed of shallow idolatries; affirm the Real. Ya Haqq.
Baba Muktananda lays out the key teachings of the Yoga guided by a Siddha’s grace, in a brief but succinct interview in Sydney in 1974
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In this video, Neale Donald Walsch discusses the nature of who we are, why we're here, and how we can use that to more consciously guide our everyday decisions.
Spirituality remains a concept and a philosophy until I make it personal. How do I become more spiritual? Not just in knowing about it, but in living it practically such that my life reflects the values that are innate in the self.
Human beings start their journey with some kind of a working conception of themselves and the world. Those with a little more awakened thoughts also form some conception of the Divine or God or call it by whatever Name.
I'm not here to indoctrinate you; I'm going to give you simply, and only, a perspective about the spiritual entities, or forces, we so label the "divine".
Sadhvi ji explains that in Hindu tradition the mother embodies the womb of creation. However, everything we see and everything that is, is an embodiment of the Divine - the creation, that sustenance and the dissolution. So ultimately, there is not just one God, there is nothing but God.