Keynote speaker at the Aspen Challenge: Philadelphia Competition 2017
47:11 min
Research says talent will get you so far, but it's the gritty athletes who rise to the top.
Grit, resilience, and growth mindset are intertwined. Some believe these traits are innate, but others . . . believe they can be developed.
So, why are millennials at the bottom of the heap in grit?
Interview with Professor Angela Duckworth
A study of Ivy League undergraduates showed that the smarter the students were, as measured by SAT scores, the less they persevered.
Among Grit’s most valuable insights: any effort you make ultimately counts twice toward your goal; grit can be learned, regardless of IQ or circumstances; when it comes to child-rearing, neither a warm embrace nor high standards will work by themselves; how to trigger lifelong interest; the magic...