06:48 min
Alex Grey describes his very memorable first experience with the psychedelic DMT, as well as several subsequent experiences, and how they influenced his art. From the documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
This video has broken down the psychedelic experience into 5 main levels, varying in intensity. From a tiny microdose to a full-blown ego death, this video covers it all.
Ayahuasca is a DMT/MAOI Amazonian brew that is used by shamans to connect with higher planes of existence, and to heal people.
Our clinical research with the naturally-occurring human psychedelic, DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine) sought to understand the relationship between the psychopharmacology of DMT and spiritual experience.
In this scene from HAMILTON'S PHARMACOPEIA, Hamilton meets with LSD World Peace, an artist who depicts DMT space in his work.