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Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Vice-Presidential Nomination Speech in 1984

By Barbara Marx Hubbard — 2019

In 1984, Barbara Marx Hubbard decided to launch an idea campaign for the vice presidency of the United States at the suggestion of Buckminster Fuller. Her campaign was based on the idea of creating an Office for the Future to SCAN FOR, MAP, CONNECT AND COMMUNICATE WHAT IS WORKING IN THE WORLD. See more...

11:44 min


Terry Sanford Distinguished Lecture | Rev. Dr. William J. Barber

The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II spoke on “Poverty, Health and Social Justice” Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. The joint Terry Sanford Distinguished Lecture and Boyarsky Lecture in Law, Medicine and Ethics coincided with the United Nations World Day of Social Justice.

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Marianne Williamson on Reparations and Conscious Candidacy in Her Run for President in 2020

Marianne Williamson, Oprah’s spiritual adviser and presidential hopeful stops by to explain how there needs to be a change in people and politics. Williamson also talks about the ineffectiveness of ‘race based policies.’

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Faith and the Fight Against Climate Change, Part 2

In a society increasingly driven by science and technology, world religions and the communities they inspire remain a vast and rock-solid political force.

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Satish Kumar on Spirituality and Agriculture

Satish Kumar explains the crucial link between spirituality and agriculture. A former monk and long-term peace and environment activist, Satish Kumar has been helping to set the global agenda for change for over 50 years.

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Riane Eisler: Spiritual Courage

Riane Eisler, an eminent social scientist and activist, attorney, and author, explains how her mother exemplified spiritual courage, the courage to stand up to injustice out of love.

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Beyond Religion - the Rise of a New Spirituality, 2011

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Arundhati Roy—Come September Speech

In this acclaimed Lannan foundation lecture from September 2002, Roy speaks poetically to power on the US' War on Terror, globalization, the misuses of nationalism, and the growing chasm between the rich and poor.

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Arundhati Roy on BBC: Capitalism Not Working for Masses

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The Hope of America’s Possibility, with Rev. William J. Barber II | #Obconf2019

Rev. William J.

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Rev. William Barber on Poor People’s Campaign, Public Mourning, Changing Policies for Justice, and More

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Economic Justice