From Wisdom 2.0's 2018 Mindfulness in America Summit in New York City.
26:58 min
Larry Yang: The Mindfulness Bell
Neurosculpting mindfulness practices are not just for those in search of general stress relief, but also for officers in high trauma careers.
How do we change? In this pioneering talk, Dr. Shauna Shapiro draws on modern neuroscience and ancient wisdom to demonstrate how mindfulness can help us make positive changes in our brains and our lives.
Mark Epstein, MD, leads those attending PSI's 2019 conference in experiential meditation, and takes questions from audience members.
Judson Brewer, MD PhD shows Anderson Cooper and the 60 Minutes team how mindfulness practices can reduce anxiety & stress in real time.
The scientific reasons why mindfulness has become so popular are briefly described along with innovative ways to taste some of the benefits without lengthy training.
There are about 7,000 languages spoken around the world—and they all have different sounds, vocabularies and structures.
In this video I share with you the secret to self-development and changing your life. Self-development is the only path to accelerating your growth and actualizing your potential as a human being.
In this video Swami Mukundananda shares 3 Powerful and Practical Tips to Stop Overthinking and become Stress Free. These 3 tips are so powerful that if regularly practiced you will be able to stop overthinking and become stress free in a moment.
If your ego had a "location" in the brain, it would be the default mode network, where much of your self-critical mind chatter happens. Taking psychedelics down-regulates this brain network.