Unhealthy lifestyles have brought on a social epidemic of “diabesity,” says author Mark Hyman, and community-driven solutions may be the only way out.
18:11 min
Young climate activist Jamie Margolin describes how coming of age in a climate catastrophe marked her so profoundly that she became solely defined by her climate justice work. Yet ultimately she succumbed to overwhelm and exhaustion—burnout.
We're talking about self-care and community care as a way to create a regenerative movement of many to calm the climate crisis.
Let’s hear how revolutionary artists and activists take care of themselves in these chaotic times. Check out what Alicia Garza had to say!
Lama Rod Owens asks the question, "What is required of you to liberate yourself from your suffering? How do I restore myself so I can do liberation work and engage with community?" Authentic liberation looks different for everyone.
It’s Radical Self-Care Week here at AFROPUNK. Let’s hear how revolutionary artists and activists take care of themselves in these chaotic times. Check out what Angela Davis had to say.
For decades, Zainab Salbi has connected and inspired women who persist in war-torn regions around the world. She has acted as a powerful voice for reaching and uniting women through a shared perspective.
The Black Yoga Teachers Alliance will launch "Yoga As A Peace Practice," in 2017, its first national initiative to train certified yoga teachers in a curriculum to offer yoga to individuals and communities where violence has a significant impact.
In this video, Dr. Mark Hyman dives into Functional Medicine, gene expression, how greatly not just food, but our social spheres, affect our overall health and biology, and much more.