A 6-minute practice that will provide balance to the mind and give you a quick boost of energy.
11:32 min
Donna Eden is one of the most well-known and successful Energy Healers of our time. For nearly four decades she has been teaching over 100,000 people—both professionals and laypeople—how to work with their body’s energy systems to reclaim their health and vitality.
Energy Medicine (EM) is the oldest, most organic, most instinctive and most effective form of healthcare that exists. It exists in every country, in every community and it has existed since we were first living in collective groups or tribes.
This 1978 book is intended as the "feelingful" companion to a more technical and rigorous earlier didactic volume, Rolfing: The Integration of Human Structures. The book is also a memoir of the early history and days of Esalen into its heydays in the 1970s.
This seminal work made its debut in 1977, and it has since remained the most important reference for Rolfers around the world. In this new edition, the late Dr.
A warm and wise self-portrait of the woman who originated the therapy that bears her name.
Providing an advanced introduction to the field of structural bodywork, this valuable resource combines coverage of both skills and theory into one comprehensive guide to this specialized form of bodywork practice.