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James Hollis: Understanding the Mid Life Crisis | Living Smart with Patricia Gras

By James Hollis — 2011

Living Smart with Patricia Gras interviews Jungian Analyst and Author James Hollis PhD. Author of the Middle Passage, discusses how we find meaning in the second half of life. Guest: Dr. James Hollis, PhD Topic: The Middle Passage

26:48 min


David Wolpe on Leadership, Religion, and Identity | Conversations with Tyler

Named one of the most influential Jewish thinkers of our time, Rabbi David Wolpe joins Tyler in a conversation on flawed leaders, Jewish identity in the modern world, the many portrayals of David, what’s missing in rabbinical training, playing chess on the Sabbath, Srugim, Hasidic philosophy,...

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Teaching Girls to See Themselves as Leaders, with Tara Sophia Mohr

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Authenticity: Who You Are Is Non-Negotiable, by Caroline Wanga

Target's Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer & Vice President of Human Resources Caroline Wanga explains why authenticity is critical for success. She shares her keys to being exactly who you are, while advancing toward senior leadership.

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Midlife Crisis