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Does Buddhism Support Romantic Love?

By Thich Nhat Hanh — 2015

Thich Nhat Hanh answers questions during a retreat in Plum Village (May, 2014). Question: If Buddhism supports love for Mother Nature why doesn't it also support romantic love between two people and demonstrations of affection between two people?

08:38 min


Is the Spiritual Path a Lonely One?

Venerable Thubten Chodron responds to a student's reflections on whether practicing the Dharma is a lonely endeavor.

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Thubten Chodron’s Wonderful Dhamma Talk

Venerable Thubten Chodron speaking on Bodhicitta and relationships.

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Black & Buddhist in America

Join the conversation with 15 leading African American Buddhist teachers.

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Zen Master Eido Roshi answers the question, 'Does God exist?'

Zen Master Eido Roshi was the first person to introduce Zen Buddhism to New York, Manhattan, during the 1960s. Today he is 80+ years old and talks to Soul Sessions founder Eloise about Buddhist philosophy, karma, how to heal our emotional pains and more.

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Sylvia Boorstein: Embodying Buddhism (Excerpt)—Thinking Allowed DVD with Jeffrey Mishlove

Sylvia Boorstein presents the essence of the eightfold path and the four noble truths of Buddhism. She discusses Vipassana-or mindfulness-meditation which entails detaching from the thoughts, cravings and aversions that pass through the mind.

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Romantic Relationships