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Being with Dying

By Joan Halifax — 2007

This is a phenomenal short giving us a glimpse of the Contemplative End of Live Care retreat for which Roshi Joan Halifax and Upaya are famous.

07:42 min


The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

Mitch discusses his book, THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN.

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Mitch Albom: Making Each Moment Matter

How will we find happiness and meaning? Author Mitch Albom shares the invaluable life lessons his dying teacher taught him in this behind-the-scenes look at the inspiration behind Albom's best-selling book "Tuesdays with Morrie."

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Spiritual Survival Skill #1: Being Comfortable in the Unknown

One of the most important capacities we can access during this time of so much uncertainty is the ability to be comfortable in the unknown.

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Death and Dying