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Joan Halifax: Compassion and the True Meaning of Empathy

By Joan Halifax — 2011

Buddhist roshi Joan Halifax works with people at the last stage of life (in hospice and on death row). She shares what she's learned about compassion in the face of death and dying, and a deep insight into the nature of empathy.

13:19 min


Culture Shock + Compassion = Community | Ibrahima Sow | TEDxYearlingRoad

Coming to the United States at a young age, Ibrahima Sow endured a number of experiences that qualified as culture shock. Navigating his way in this new world, he met each challenge with heart and courage all the while determined to maintain his identity.

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How Telling Our Silenced Stories Can Change the World | Anne Hallward | TEDxDirigo

Shame is at the intersection of individual psychology healing and social change. Clinically, when we follow the path of our shame, we experience the greatest healing, and culturally, when we move past the power of shame we can act together to improve civil rights for all.

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Dr. Robert Johnson - Visons of God and the Meaning of Suffering

Dr. Robert Johnson discusses the role of the priest in protecting people from close encounters with god. Also, he contrasts the suffering of the modern western male to the eastern psyche in his film IN SEARCH OF THE HOLY GRAIL

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