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Fight Smarter: Avoid the Most Common Argument Patterns - Esther Perel

By Esther Perel — 2017

07:07 min


Stan Tatkin: Relationships Are Hard, But Why? | TEDxKC

Relationships are hard. But what if it's not you or them or sex, money, or even who picks up the socks.

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How to Maintain Great Eye Contact During Difficult Conversations with Your Spouse

The eyes are the windows to the soul, right? Sure, why not? Maybe that vulnerability of being able to look right into someone is what makes eye-contact difficult, particularly during arguments. Maybe it's something more visceral and primal, like a challenge.

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The Pact Institute: What Does It Mean to Have a Secure-Functioning Relationship?

PACT is a fusion of developmental neuroscience, attachment theory, and arousal regulation and has a strong therapeutic stance that guides clinicians to help couples develop secure-functioning relationships.

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Stan Tatkin: How to Deal with an Avoidant Partner & Interpersonal Stress (Smart Couple 104)

Stan Tatkin returns and serves up another awesome dose of relationship advice through the lens of adult attachment.

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Communication Skills