03:31 min
Dr. Robert Johnson discusses mythology in his film In Search of the Holy Grail.
Charles Gilchrist introduces a root principle of Sacred Geometry, Concentric Circles.
Charles Gilchrist introduces the three root languages of the universe: Sacred Sound (vibration), Sacred Sequence (time/numbers), and Sacred Geometry (form). Special attention to the static and dynamic aspects of Sacred Geometry.
Hidden beneath da Vinci's unfinished painting "Adoration of the Magi," investigators found a sketch of an Egyptian temple being built. Learn the meaning of this secret and more in this video from Season 13, "Da Vinci's Forbidden Codes"
A discourse on various aspects of the Sacred Geometry Archetype known as The Golden Mean by Charles Gilchrist.
Part two of a Sacred Geometry piece on the Golden mean proportion; a discourse on the relationship between Pi, Phi, and the Fibonacci Sequence.
Gilchrist introduces a root principle of Sacred Geometry, The Vesica Piscis.
A discourse on the aspect of Sacred Geometry known as Metatron's Cube by Charles Gilchrist. The powerful sounds at the end of this video were created my my very talented friend Jandy, from Australia. Her YouTube Channel is JezebelDecibel.
How to think mythically and sense archetypally to better understand our shared humanity, yet honor the diverse ways we live and make meaning. Australian-born Lithuanian Kristina Dryza is recognized as one of the world’s top female futurists and is also an archetypal consultant and author.
Devdutt Pattanaik takes an eye-opening look at the myths of India and of the West - and shows how these two fundamentally different sets of beliefs about God, death and heaven help us consistently misunderstand one another.