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Present! - (Part One) Seeking the Divine Within with James Fadiman, Ph.D.

By James Fadiman — 2011

Taking psychologist James Fadiman's book "The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide" as a starting point, this program delves into the divine healing potential within each of us.

28:17 min


Taking Mushrooms with a Shaman

Our time with a curendera in the small town of Huautla de Jimenez, Oaxaca, Mexico. Mushroom healer from the Mazatec tradition. We also visit the home and family of Maria Sabina.

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Bob Jesse: “Entheogens, Awakening, and Spiritual Development” | Horizons 2009

Profound experiences of non-dual consciousness sometimes lead to lasting, and lastingly beneficial, changes in values and behavior.

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Robert Jesse: “Psychedelics: The Uncertain Paths from Re-emergence to Renaissance”

Robert Jesse will offer a view, spanning the decade from the birth of Horizons to the present day, of the significant developments that have occurred in several areas of our field. Surely they amount to a re-emergence of psychedelics. People speak of a renaissance.

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Robert Jesse: Psilocybin Occasions Mystical Experiences Having Sustained Spiritual Significance

Robert Jesse is the organiser of the Council on Spiritual Practices, which aims to shift modernity's awareness and practices with respect to primary religious experience.

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Can Ayahuasca Promote Peace in the Middle East? Conversations with Palestinians and Israelis

A collaboration between MAPS and the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London, Antwan Saca, Leor Roseman, Ph.D., and Natalie Ginsberg, M.S.W.

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Rick Doblin & Natalie Ginsberg: Rescheduling MDMA - History, Present and Future

Natalie Ginsberg, MAPS Policy and Advocacy Manager will interview Rick Doblin, Ph.D.

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Ann and Sasha Shulgin - Pihkal and Tihkal: A Chemical Love Story

"We met, married and formed a research team about twenty five years ago. This called upon a background of psychedelic drug invention and exploration of the previous twenty years, but it added a new dimension to this area of exploration.

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Aldous Huxley on Acid

This is a recording of Aldous Huxley on 100 ug of LSD, made on December 23 1962. The trip sitter is his wife, Laura Archera Huxley. He discusses the secret of life - to be oneself and at the same time 'identical with the divine'.

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The Importance of the Psychedelic Experience During Ketamine Infusions

Part of the way healing occurs during the ketamine infusion is due to the non-ordinary (psychedelic) experience. In this non-ordinary state, the unconscious mind is accessed and allows processing of unresolved emotions and traumatic events.

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The Rise and Rise of Psychedelics | High Society

The UK is experiencing a psychedelic renaissance.

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Drug Policy