Work-Life Balance & work challengesarticles

Below are the best articles we could find on Work-Life Balance and work challenges.

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Tips on Finding a New Job or Changing Career after Cancer Treatment

Whether you’re looking for a new job or considering a new career direction, this month’s article has plenty of practical advice to help you.

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The Mental Load: Managing a Burden You Can’t Actually See

Here’s what to know about the mental load—and how to bring it up with your partner.

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How to Find Your Passion for a More Fulfilling Career

One common piece of advice you might hear when looking for jobs is to “follow your passion.” Following the work, ideas and projects that make you feel fulfilled and motivated can help lead you to jobs you will enjoy and succeed in.

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Should You Quit Your Job to be a Stay-at-Home Mom?

A career time out to stay home with your kids might be tempting, but there’s a lot to consider before you give notice.

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Are You Addicted to Doing?

When work life is overwhelming, we can get stuck in a loop of "busyness"—keeping the mind occupied with tasks to avoid work, which increases our stress levels. Explore these mindfulness tips to slow down so you can get more done.

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My Boss Expects People to Work While They’re on Vacation

There are a few ways to handle an office that won’t respect your time off. The easiest is simply to be unavailable on the days you’re out.

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What Women Should Tell Their Bosses When They Have Cancer

We hear a lot about the struggles of working women and the notion that we can create some semblance of order between managing responsibilities at home and at work. It’s the elusive work/life balance every working woman longs to achieve.

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How to Counter Burnout When You Work 9 to 5 as a Creative

We recently chatted with painter Jocelyn Teng about how she unwinds, nixing the work/life balance ideal and what’s next for her.

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8 Signs of Burnout at Work (And How to Deal with It)

Learn how to spot these 8 signs of burnout at work, including symptoms, subtypes of job burnout, examples and how to deal with burnout at work.

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Should I Disclose My Depression to My Employer?

As a general rule, I’d only disclose a mental-health condition (or any health condition, for that matter) at work when you need to ask for a specific accommodation connected with it.

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Work Challenges