Below are the best quotes we could find on Unity.
More than just “getting along with others,” unity occurs when individuals align their wills toward the same goal. While the individuals’ methods may differ, their energies move in the same direction as a single force. This means that the work for unification rests on carefully listening to and being compassionate toward every member’s values; only by finding common ground on what is considered important can any unity be built. The power of unity lies in its ability to bring together strength and mutual support on a scale larger and more impactful than any number of individual people or entities could accomplish on their own, and its fragility lies in its need for every member to be respectful of, compassionate to, and willing to compromise with each other. Building unity requires intention, perseverance, and excellent listening skills, whether within families, workplaces, and fan communities or across rivalries, religious denominations, and political divides.