Traumatic Grief quotes

Below are the best quotes we could find on Traumatic Grief.

Traumatic grief is an intense and overwhelming form of grief that accompanies unexpected loss and in turn may trigger earlier traumas. It is a diagnosable condition that not only often goes on much longer and is more overwhelming than regular grief but can also affect seemingly unrelated behaviors and situations long after the initiating event. While its expression and effects vary from person to person, this layering of trauma pervades all areas of a person’s life and can become debilitating. It can, however, be treated and resolved.

If you or someone you know is in immediate need of support, please seek professional help. If you are in crisis, here are some immediate free resources.

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FindCenterThe death of a beloved is an amputation.

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FindCenterThe only way to eventually free ourselves from debilitating pain is to be with it as it is. The only way out is through.

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FindCenterYears as a healer and trauma therapist have taught me that trauma isn’t destiny. The body, not the thinking brain, is where we experience most of our pain, pleasure, and joy, and where we process most of what happens to us.

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FindCenterOne of the best things each of us can do—not only for ourselves, but also for our children and grandchildren—is to metabolize our pain and heal our trauma.

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