Talk Therapy & play

Below are the best resources we could find on Talk Therapy and play.

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The Gaming Mind: A New Psychology of Videogames and the Power of Play

In his therapy office, clinical psychologist Alexander Kriss looks at videogames as a window into the mind.

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Preparing for Post-Pandemic Recovery

As part of our series on the coronavirus pandemic, on episode 58 we’re delving into the trauma aspect. We’ll use Christine Fonseca and her new book, Healing the heart: Helping Your Child Thrive After Trauma, as a template for this compelling conversation.

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Understanding Autism Diagnosis and Assessment

What is the process of evaluating a child for autism? What does the profile of an autistic twice-exceptional person look like? Why are girls’ autism symptoms often missed?

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Sifting through IQ: What We Know about Intelligence

Dr. Russell Warne is here to talk about his findings as he wrote his new book, “In The Know: Debunking 35 Myths About Human Intelligence,” on episode 69.

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When Neurodiversity Meets Existentialism

With the death toll still rising from the coronavirus pandemic, it’s especially easy for neurodivergent people to wax existential. They question life, worry about death, and generally ask, “what’s it all about?”

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Gifted and 2e’s Place in the Neurodiversity Movement

“Neurodiversity” is an umbrella term encompassing a variety of atypical diagnoses. Where do the gifted and twice-exceptional communities fit into that landscape? What are we learning about neurodiverse people?

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What Is Play Therapy?

Play Therapy is a specialized psychotherapy approach for working with children and helping them process their feelings using toys & games. Andrea Vargas is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor, EMDR trained and a Certified FirstPlay Practitioner.

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Misinformation, Misunderstandings, and Myths in Education

When factual, peer-reviewed data is hard to find, or hidden behind paywalls, we often end up relying on pseudo-science or questionable information. In fact, some long-held beliefs in the area of neurodiversity are based on little more than anecdotal evidence.

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A Talk with a 2e Pioneer

On episode 65 Emily Kircher-Morris talks with Dr. Susan Baum about her early experience with “green” kids, and how the term twice-exceptional was born. They also discuss ideas for parents and educators that will help them guide 2e kids to success.

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The Ethos of Creativity

Are there connections between neurodiversity and creativity? We have Dr. Todd Kettler from Baylor University, author of Developing Creativity in the Classroom, to share what he’s learned.

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Emotional and Mental Health