Talk Therapy & mindfulness practices

Below are the best resources we could find on Talk Therapy and mindfulness practices.

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How Can You Combine Vipassana, Mindfulness & Therapy? Mark Epstein M.D on the Satipatthana Sutta

A Tibet House US Archive video on the 'Satipatthana Sutta' with Mark Epstein M.D. This talk was recorded during the 2016 Force For Good Class Series at Tibet House US in New York City.

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86 – Friday Fix: 4 Simple Strategies That Can Help You Live in the Moment

Mindfulness has become a common “buzzword,” but a lot of people aren’t really sure what it means or how to practice it. And in today’s Friday Fix, I share four simple strategies to help you start practicing mindfulness right now.

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74 – How to Unwind Your Anxiety with Neuroscientist Dr. Jud Brewer

Dr. Jud Brewer is a psychiatrist and a neuroscientist. His newest book, Unwinding Anxiety, became an instant New York Times bestseller. He shares some really simple but effective strategies for managing anxiety.

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Emotional and Mental Health