Suffering & non duality

Below are the best resources we could find on Suffering and non duality.

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Dr. Robert Johnson - Visons of God and the Meaning of Suffering

Dr. Robert Johnson discusses the role of the priest in protecting people from close encounters with god. Also, he contrasts the suffering of the modern western male to the eastern psyche in his film IN SEARCH OF THE HOLY GRAIL

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Adyashanti - Allowing Everything to Be as It Is

Is it possible to “allow everything to be as it is,” even when you are in the midst of suffering? Adyashanti discusses this foundational teaching and how it is often overlooked because it sounds so simple.

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Nondualitatea * Interviu Cu Mukti

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Forgiveness Now with David Hoffmeister & Frances Xu

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Shift into Freedom: The Science and Practice of Open-Hearted Awareness

Meditation is one of the most important things to learn in order to live a life of joy, health and love. This is a rare meditation book that offers advanced meditations made simple. Loch Kelly goes to the root of suffering by introducing us to the ultimate medicine of awake awareness.

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Ram Dass & Roshi Joan Halifax: Love, Buddha Mind & Beyond

The Love Serve Remember Foundation ( has just released an exclusive video featuring Ram Dass and Roshi Joan Halifax called Love, Buddha Mind & Beyond. This video gives you a taste of the incredible wisdom and heart embodied by these two esteemed teachers.

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The Dance of Reality

In a Chilean little town, the son of an uprooted couple, formed by a rigorous communist father and a loving but weak mother, tries to pave his own path in a society that does not understand their Jewish-Ukrainian origins.

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