Sleep Disorders & rest

Below are the best resources we could find on Sleep Disorders and rest.

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Robert A. Monroe on Exploring Expanded Consciousness

Bob discusses the experience of exploring higher consciousness through out-of-body experiences and audio-induced gamma brainwave states.

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The Sleep Workbook: Easy Strategies to Break the Anxiety-Insomnia Cycle

If you are among the one-third of adults in the United States dealing with the vicious cycle of chronic sleep disruption, you can put your worries to bed.

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Can’t Sleep and Feeling Anxious? Relief Tips!—Foot Reflexology

"A client asked me what she can do in-between reflexology sessions about her sleepless nights and help eliminate her anxiety. While the healing sessions have helped her tremendously, she wants to be proactive with her health in-between sessions.

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FindCenterAlso, I could finally sleep. And this was the real gift, because when you cannot sleep, you cannot get yourself out of the ditch—there’s not a chance.

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Arianna Huffington Says This Is the No. 1 Productivity Mistake

The media mogul explains how she changed her personal sleep habits and why the business world needs to institute a cultural change to make sure people get proper rest.

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Postpartum Insomnia

Newborns wake up frequently and require feedings throughout the day and night. These demands often force mothers to adjust their sleep schedules and, in many cases, sleep less at night.

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