Self-Control & resiliencebooks

Below are the best books we could find on Self-Control and resilience.

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The Pocket Stoic

To counter the daily anxieties, stress, and emotional swings caused by the barrage of stimuli that plagues modern life, many people have been finding unexpected solace in a philosophy from a very different and distant time: Stoicism.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Stoicism: Tools for Emotional Resilience and Positivity

Being a stoic means embracing positivity and self-control through the ability to accept the uncertainty of outcomes. With this stoicism guide, the beginner stoic will learn how to take charge of their emotions on the path to sustained happiness and satisfaction.

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Emotional Success: The Power of Gratitude, Compassion, and Pride

A pioneering psychologist reveals how three powerful emotions are the surest path to attaining your goals. Grit, the ability to persevere against all odds, is widely recognized as the key to success.

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The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living

Why have history’s greatest minds—from George Washington to Frederick the Great to Ralph Waldo Emerson—along with today’s top performers from Super Bowl-winning football coaches to CEOs and celebrities embraced the wisdom of the ancient Stoics? Because they realize that the most valuable wisdom...

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Don’t Tell Me to Relax: Emotional Resilience in the Age of Rage, Feels and Freak-Outs

From politics, climate change, and the economy to racism, sexism, and a hundred other kinds of biases—things have never felt so urgent and uncertain. We want to take action, but so many of us struggle with overwhelm and burnout.

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The Strength Switch: How The New Science of Strength-Based Parenting Can Help Your Child and Your Teen to Flourish

This game-changing book shows us the extraordinary results of focusing on our children’s strengths rather than always trying to correct their weaknesses.

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