Below are the best resources we could find on Quitting Your Job and creative well being.
If quitters think they can punch back at their old bosses without fear of alienating potential future employers, they might be right. The supply-demand curve of the labor market is working in their favor, and employers are growing less choosy.
Will quitting your job really make you happier? Experts say maybe not as much as you think, especially in the long run and if don’t plan properly.
Recently, after years of being afraid to confront this reality, I accepted that I want to be a writer.
Career ladders and jobs for life are a thing of the past. Today, we're living in a world of squiggly careers, where moving frequently and fluidly between roles, industries, locations and even careers is becoming the new normal.
In the past I have had students ask me if I think they should quit their day jobs and focus on their writing. It almost always feels like a cart before the horse situation. The list of questions we should be asking ourselves as writers before we can get to that point is long.
The steps and missteps one person took to achieve a dream, and how you can make it work, too.
Kurt Vonnegut worked at a car dealer after publishing his first novel, and Philip Glass worked as a plumber while crafting his music. So while you may be itching to ditch your 9 to 5, take a lesson from these legendary creatives and pursue your passions while still collecting a pay check.
To many, starting your own business means leaving your job and your company behind. But many of the smartest professionals recognize that you can — and quite possibly should — keep both.
Self-employment offers incredible perks like autonomy, freedom, control, and fulfillment, but running your own business isn't always like the filtered highlight reel of posts you might see in people’s social media feeds.
TOKiMONSTA, Anthony Parasole, and more offer their tips on leaving a nine to five for the dancefloor.
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