Below are the best videos we could find on Quantum Physics featuring trauma healing.
What is synchronicity really? Learn what synchronicity is, why it happens, and 2 powerful ways to help you better work with synchronicities when they show up. Synchronicities can show up in your life in all shapes and forms and at first it can seem overwhelming when we wake up to them.
In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems.
The holographic model allows us to conceptualize phenomena that have remained on the fringes of science - synchronicities, psychic experiences, UFOs, poltergeists, spiritual experiences, states of higher consciousness.
Amit Goswami, Ph.D, on Quantum Physics & Consciousness—Why do we all feel separate.
Your ability to manifest and be masterful at your life depends on how well the two systems that run your body are functioning. In this video, Dr. Sue explains how the nervous system and Electromagnetic Systems run your body, and how to master them by building more energetic circuits. Dr.
Provided here is an excerpt from a presentation by Ilia Delio at the National Presbyterian Church, Washington D.C., on September 30, 2017
The approach of medieval women mystics to union with God is deeply physical in contrast to Eastern religions such as Vedantic Hinduism in which pure consciousness is divinity itself.
Physicist Brian Greene explains superstring theory, the idea that minuscule strands of energy vibrating in 11 dimensions create every particle and force in the universe.
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