Presence & wholeness

Below are the best resources we could find on Presence and wholeness.

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Being Present When a Loved One Is Suffering

Jeff Foster talks about healing in the deeper sense of the word-the present-moment remembrance of wholeness. He talks about how to sit with someone who is in pain, and invites us to stop trying to fix ourselves and others, and to start trusting the mysteries of healing.

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Finding Time

The Four Horsemen of my apocalypse are called Efficiency, Convenience, Profitability, and Security, and in their names, crimes against poetry, pleasure, sociability, and the very largeness of the world are daily, hourly, constantly carried out.

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Integrating Inner and Outer Experiences - Judith Blackstone and Zoran Josipovic

The experiences of what is happening in our inner emotional life and the outer, more material aspect of life, are often dissociated. It is basically fear that causes this contraction or split of awareness. Meditation can help to bridge this gap, supporting the person to wholeness and presence.

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FindCenterYou cannot trade the courage needed to live every moment for immunity from life’s sorrows. Many things are clearly up to us. And many others are not. I can see no evidence that the universe works on a simple meritocratic system of cause and effect. Bad things happen to good people—all the time.

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Spiritual Survival Skill #4: Not Waiting for a Better Future

One of the most life-altering insights of spiritual awakening is that there is a profound and inherent wholeness at the core of reality, and this wholeness is present in every moment, even amidst the most difficult circumstances.

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An Interview with Mark Nepo–The Book of Soul

Mark Nepo in discussion on the challenges of negotiating the often-confounding experience of being human in these postmodern times.

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