Physical Health & self care

Below are the best resources we could find on Physical Health and self care.

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Living Beyond Limits: New Hope and Help for Facing Life-Threatening Illness

A pioneer in the world of mind-body healing, the author provides support and guidance for those living with life-threatening illness, showing how, with the help of support groups, people can live longer and fuller lives.

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An Introduction to Rest

Some people harbor the illusion that rest is a luxury they do not have time for, but the reality is that rest is a necessity.

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The New York Times Book of Women’s Health : The Latest on Feeling Fit, Eating Right, and Staying Well

Here in one volume is the definitive picture of women’s health at the beginning of the new millennium.

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FindCenterAs smoking is to the lungs, so is resentment to the soul; even one puff is bad for you.

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“You’ve Had What We Call a Cosmic Orgasm”: The Rise of Conscious Breathing

You do it more than 23,000 times a day, but are you breathing properly? From a rebirthing session to holotropic breathwork, Richard Godwin inhales the latest wellness craze.

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The Science of the Sacred: Bridging Global Indigenous Medicine Systems and Modern Scientific Principles

Nicole Redvers, a naturopathic physician and member of the Deninu K'ue First Nation, analyzes modern Western medical practices using evidence-informed Indigenous healing practices and traditions from around the world--from sweat lodges and fermented foods to Ayurvedic doshas and meditation.

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Let Food Be Thy Medicine

In collaboration with the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Nutrition, the Berry Good Food Foundation convenes a panel of experts to discuss the rise of comprehensive medicine and nutritional healing to treat chronic disease and maintain general well-being.

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Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Well-Being

A unique book about aging that draws on the science of biogerontology as well as on the secrets of healthy longevity, from the renowned Dr. Andrew Weil. In each of his widely acclaimed, best-selling books, Dr.

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Advice on Dire Diagnoses From a Survivor

With each diagnosis, knowing her life hung in the balance, she was “stunned, then anguished” and astonished by “how much energy it takes to get from the bad news to actually starting on the return path to health.”

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Art of Healing with Dr Bernie Siegel

Dr. Bernie Siegel speaks on the Art of Healing in Simsbury CT.

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Emotional and Mental Health