Physical Health & ayurveda

Below are the best resources we could find on Physical Health and ayurveda.

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The Art of Cosmic Vision: Practices for Improving Your Eyesight

How to achieve perfect vision naturally through proven eye-training methods • Explains how vision problems are related to imbalances in the internal organs • Provides Taoist and Ayurvedic practices for harmonizing the liver and kidneys, the organs directly associated with eye problems In the...

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ACHARYA SHUNYA: Ancient Ayurvedic Wisdom to Boost Your Health! | Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom

Today I’ll be talking with Acharya Shunya, founder of Vedika Globa, president of the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicne and the author of an incredible new book, I’d recommend to everyone, Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about a...

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10 Ways Ayurveda Benefits Your Daily Life

Ayurveda, known as the “Sister Science” to yoga, is an ancient science that is holistic in nature. Having been around for over 5,000 years, the main focus of Ayurveda is to focus on your life in-between the emotional and physical self.

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Skin Care ~ Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Ancient Ayurvedic home remedies for radiant, glowing, healthy, beautiful skin.

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What Is Ayurveda?

Considered a complementary health approach in the United States, Ayurveda focuses on restoring balance in the body through a personalized plan that can include massage, specialized diets, herbs, aromatherapy, and exercise.

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Episode 68: Jody Levy

On clearing biotoxicity and creating work that heals.

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Emotional and Mental Health