Performance Anxiety & self pressure

Below are the best resources we could find on Performance Anxiety and self pressure.

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Performance Success: Performing Your Best Under Pressure

Performance Success teaches a set of skills so that a musician can be ready to go out and sing or play at his or her highest level, working with energies that might otherwise be wasted in unproductive ways. This is a book of skills and exercises, prepared by a master teacher.

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Mastering Creative Anxiety: 24 Lessons for Writers, Painters, Musicians, and Actors from America’s Foremost Creativity Coach

In his decades as a psychotherapist and creativity coach, Eric Maisel has found a common thread behind what often gets labeled “writer’s block,” “procrastination,” or “stage fright.

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5 Types of Imposter Syndrome

Learn more about Imposter Syndrome.

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FindCenterBe not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.

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Under Pressure: Why Athletes Choke

What makes an elite sports star suddenly unable to do the very thing they have been practising for years? And is there anything they can do about it?

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Playing with Confidence—How to Overcome Sports Performance Anxiety

So, what’s the big deal about “game day” anyway? Why do we let ourselves get so worked up about it? Instinctively, we understand what it is that makes us so nervous, but it can be hard to put it into words.

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5 Proven Strategies for Coping with Stage Fright

Don’t let the sound of your heart pounding in your ears drown out your message.

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FindCenterWisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.

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Why Athletes Choke Under Pressure | Sports Psychology | Optimal Level of Arousal

This video uses sports psychology theories to explain why athletes choke under pressure. In order to perform under pressure, athletes must find and attain their own optimal level of anxiety.

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Perfectionism and Anxiety, and Its Influence on Performance

This video is about the dual nature of perfectionism in sports: Relationships with emotion, motivation, and performance.

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