Past Life Regression and Therapy by brian weissarticles

Below are the best articles we could find on Past Life Regression and Therapy featuring brian weiss.

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Altered Fate

"I have a lot of psychiatrists, but also psychologists and other therapists, who call or write to me and tell me that they've been doing this work secretly or privately for the past 10 or 15 years, don't tell anyone, and out come these beautiful case histories." - Brian Weiss

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Interview with Brian Weiss

Before I published my books, some physicians and therapists were still finding mystical experiences and unexplained healing, what you might call ‘miracles’, but they didn’t talk about it. Now, it’s safer, because there are other books, not just mine.

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Remembrances of Lives Past

Now, Dr. Weiss said: “Doctors are e-mailing me. They’re not so concerned with their reputations and careers. We can talk about this openly. And it’s not just psychiatrists, but surgeons and architects.”

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Healing Through Past Life Memories

A miracle happened for me on the day that a patient named Catherine walked into my office and introduced me to an entire spiritual universe that I had never believed to exist.

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Past Lives and Reincarnation