Offering Support to Others & compassionquotes

Below are the best quotes we could find on Offering Support to Others and compassion.

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FindCenterLighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.

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FindCenterSelf-absorption in all its forms kills empathy, let alone compassion. When we focus on ourselves, our world contracts as our problems and preoccupations loom large. But when we focus on others, our world expands.

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FindCenterIf you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.

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FindCenterWounding and healing are not opposites. They’re part of the same thing. It is our wounds that enable us to be compassionate with the wounds of others. It is our limitations that make us kind to the limitations of other people.

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FindCenterOne fire burns out another’s burning, one pain is lessen’d by another’s anguish.

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FindCenterPeople who are hurting don’t need Avoiders, Protectors, or Fixers. What we need are patient, loving witness. People to sit quietly and hold space for us. People to stand in helpful vigil to our pain.

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FindCenterWhen the weather is hot, keep a cool mind. When the weather is cold, keep a warm heart.

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FindCenterBe kind to people whether they deserve your kindness or not. If your kindness reaches the deserving, good for you; if your kindness reaches the undeserving, take joy in your compassion.

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FindCenterIf we are to find our way across troubled waters, we are better served by the company of those who have built bridges, who have moved beyond despair and inertia.

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FindCenterWithout opening your door, you can open your heart to the world.

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