Non-Duality articles

Below are the best articles we could find on Non-Duality.

The concept of non-duality is based on experiencing the world as not separate from oneself, where awareness transcends the dualistic concept of “I-other” and other dichotomies such as good and bad or right and wrong. It involves a complete suspension of personal judgment on “outside” entities because those entities are seen as completely one with the individual, so there is no longer such thing as observer and observed. A non-dual existence involves pure experience, with no divisions between the subject and object. Non-dual consciousness has been described within several spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, and Christianity, as well as within neo-Platonic philosophy. The most common ways to experience non-dual consciousness are through meditation and contemplation of certain “pointing out” instructions, to help reveal an awareness of what is already there to begin with.

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Shunryu Suzuki Roshi on learning to transcend dualistic ideas through the practice of bowing.

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The Waterfall

When you can sit with your whole body and mind, and with the oneness of your mind and body under the control of the universal mind, you can easily attain this kind of right understanding. Your everyday life will be renewed without being attached to an old erroneous interpretation of life.

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An Introduction to Non-Duality

One of the most famous expressions of the concept of non-duality, the Heart Sutra is but one example of an idea that humans have alternately embraced and dismissed for millennia. What is non-duality, then, and why do we find it both unsettling and desirable?

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Everything Is Buddhanature

Original sin vs. original goodness: Mahayana Buddhism offers a more hopeful view of human nature. Zen teacher Melissa Myozen Blacker reveals how nondual practice frees us from our temporary obscurations and reveals our true, awakened nature.

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Missed Opportunities, Part 2

The primary import of the present contemplation is to point out the significance of both recognizing and experiencing the individual consciousness, whether we refer to it as soul, stream of consciousness, or subtle continuum of awareness.

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Japanese Zen Buddhist Philosophy

Zen aims at the perfection of personhood. To this end, sitting meditation called “za-zen” is employed as a foundational method of prāxis across the different schools of this Buddha-Way—which is not an ideology, but a way of living.

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Which of the Ultimates Is Ultimate, Part 2

There is no end to realization, kinds and types of awakening, or enlightenment and completeness.

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What is Zen Buddhism?

Zen is the Japanese name for a Buddhist tradition practiced by millions of people across the world. Historically, Zen practice originated in China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, and later came to in the West.

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Constant Consciousness

I became extremely serious about meditation practice when I read the following line from the illustrious Sri Ramana Maharshi: “That which is not present in deep dreamless sleep is not real.”

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Dialogues on Nonduality

The following dialogues are part of an edited exchange between Judith Blackstone, Philip St. Romain, and Jim and Tyra Arraj.

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