Neuropsychology & depression

Below are the best resources we could find on Neuropsychology and depression.

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Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation

This groundbreaking book, from one of the global innovators in the integration of brain science with psychotherapy, offers an extraordinary guide to the practice of “mindsight,” the potent skill that is the basis for both emotional and social intelligence.

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Trauma and the Unbound Body: The Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness

Heal trauma. Reclaim your body. Live with wholeness. These are the gifts of utilizing the power of fundamental consciousness―a subtle field of awareness that lies within each of us. In Trauma and the Unbound Body, Dr.

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The Yips, Potential CTE-Depression Link and More

— New sports psychology articles raise research questions.

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Preparing for Post-Pandemic Recovery

As part of our series on the coronavirus pandemic, on episode 58 we’re delving into the trauma aspect. We’ll use Christine Fonseca and her new book, Healing the heart: Helping Your Child Thrive After Trauma, as a template for this compelling conversation.

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The Fast Track to College

Advanced Placement is a good way for many kids to get a head start on college. On episode 42, Andrew Scanlan and Chester E Finn, Jr. of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, answer questions about the history of AP, where it’s going, and where kids may encounter difficulties.

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School Counseling: Gifted Kids Need It Too

School counselors wear a variety of hats, but “giftedness expert” often isn't one of them.

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Accurate Assessment for Twice-Exceptional Kids

We’ve had mixed results in our efforts to identify 2e kids. It’s a complicated process, and many of the assessment tools used to identify ASD and other disorders need to be utilized differently when working with gifted individuals.

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Allowing for Uncertainty

In this bonus episode, Emily Kircher-Morris talks about uncertainty and doubt. How can we help our kids be less afraid of uncertainty, and more comfortable with doubt?

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How to Get Gifted Kids Talking

Dr. Jean Peterson joins us to talk about ways to bring gifted kids into the conversation, including tips on conducting gifted discussion circles and group counseling.

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Looking Back: A Decade Ends and 2e Wins!

As we move into the 2020s, we look back at some of the conversations we had in the two years of our podcast’s history. We’re revisiting some of our best conversations about twice-exceptionality, on this special 49th episode of Mind Matters.

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