Motivation & managing energy

Below are the best resources we could find on Motivation and managing energy.

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The Myths of Motivation

Typically, we think that either someone is motivated or they aren’t, as if motivation is a switch to be flipped.

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When Neurodiversity Meets Existentialism

With the death toll still rising from the coronavirus pandemic, it’s especially easy for neurodivergent people to wax existential. They question life, worry about death, and generally ask, “what’s it all about?”

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Why Motivation Matters

You’re motivated to do something whether you realize it or not. By better understanding what it is that truly drives us, we can unlock ways of approaching our work in a more meaningful way.

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Gifted and 2e’s Place in the Neurodiversity Movement

“Neurodiversity” is an umbrella term encompassing a variety of atypical diagnoses. Where do the gifted and twice-exceptional communities fit into that landscape? What are we learning about neurodiverse people?

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Misinformation, Misunderstandings, and Myths in Education

When factual, peer-reviewed data is hard to find, or hidden behind paywalls, we often end up relying on pseudo-science or questionable information. In fact, some long-held beliefs in the area of neurodiversity are based on little more than anecdotal evidence.

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Goal Setting