Mind-Body Connection & illness and injury

Below are the best resources we could find on Mind-Body Connection and illness and injury.

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A Documentary on the Feldenkrais Method

A documentary about Moshe Feldenkrais and the method he created.

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Body and Mature Behaviour

A victim of debilitating injuries, Moshé Feldenkrais was intimately aware of the link between bodily suffering and mental health. Through healing himself, he made revolutionary discoveries, culminating in the development of the method that now bears his name.

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Mapping Stored Emotions in the Body as a Means of Healing Physical Pain

The Body is a map of every experience we ever had. As we bridge the mind body and spirit we can better understand the connection between trapped emotions and physical ailments causing us suffering.

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Moshe Feldenkrais—Two Parts of the Feldenkrais Method (R)

The South Bend Workshop with Moshe Feldenkrais is as close to a live experience of Feldenkrais's teaching as you can get today. It is currently the only workshop Feldenkrais taught for the public where you have the video image to go with the audio.

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Moving from the Inside Out: 7 Principles for Ease and Mastery in Movement—A Feldenkrais Approach

Seven powerful principles for better, more easeful movement--a Feldenkrais approach. More often than not, we move through life focused on results or where we're going, rarely paying attention to how we move until we experience pain or need to learn a new skill or perform at an elite level.

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How to Mentally Come Back from a Sports Injury

“We need to do a better job of addressing mental as well as physical aspects of athletic injuries,” sports psychologist Matthew Sacco, PhD, says.

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What is Psychosomatic?

The term ‘psychosomatic’ means mind and body related. A psychosomatic disorder is a physical disease which is caused, or worsened, by mental factors. The term is also used when mental factors cause physical symptoms but where there is no physical disease.

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The Extraordinary Power of the Imagination in Healing

You could argue that there’s three coding languages, one being your native language, the second being mathematics, [or] ways of representing the world internally to yourself, and the third is through imagery.

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3 Reasons Your Injury Won't Heal + What To Do About It

The next time you pull a muscle and think, “Oh my gosh, not another one,” you may need to consider the location of your pain may not be the cause. If you are plagued with chronic muscle pulls or tendonitis-like symptoms you’ll need a more holistic approach to the problem.

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Dr. Gabor Maté on Childhood Trauma, the Real Cause of Our Anxiety, and Our 'Insane' Culture

Dr Gabor Maté is a renowned expert in addiction, childhood trauma and mind-body health.

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Emotional and Mental Health