Memoir & lgbtqia relationships

Below are the best resources we could find on Memoir and lgbtqia relationships.

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Please, Don’t Send Me Flowers: A Memoir

From divorce, to coming out, to cancer, Lianne Saffer tells an honest and hilarious account of her last 15 years. In it, she describes the often-painful discovery of her own resilience and the process of learning to trust herself along the way.

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Relationship Tips

My best resource turns out to be websites that offer ten, twenty-five, or 101 relationship tips. The sites are silly, and the ads gum up my computer, but I learn about concepts like compassion, forgiveness, and presence.

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Baring Witness: 36 Mormon Women Talk Candidly about Love, Sex, and Marriage

In Baring Witness, Holly Welker and thirty-six Mormon women write about devotion and love and luck, about the wonder of discovery, and about the journeys, both thorny and magical, to humor, grace, and contentment.

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