Meditation & mind body connectionvideos

Below are the best videos we could find on Meditation and mind body connection.

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74: Connie Zweig – The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul

In this episode, John W. Price interviews author, book editor, meditation teacher, and psychotherapist, Dr. Connie Zweig.

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Freedom Meditation with Justin Michael Williams

Justin Michael Williams teaches and performs at the intersection of meditation, music, and social justice. He is a pioneering millennial voice, endlessly creative, committed to making meditation accessible to all people of all backgrounds. His motto: “We rise together.”

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Deepak Chopra Does These 5 Things Every Day to Strengthen His Mind-Body Connection

Deepak Chopra shares self-care tips after the launch of the Chopra Meditation and Well-Being app, which allows users to harness comprehensive well-being through physical, mental, and spiritual health.

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Indian Mind Sciences | Harvard's Herb Benson with Rajiv Malhotra

Rajiv Malhotra and Dr Herbert Benson discuss the future of mind sciences and how it can form a major component of integrated healing in the future. The discussion starts with Dr Benson acknowledging Indian culture as the source of various meditation and yoga techniques.

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Mind-Body Connection (Pt. 1): Love as Potential

Paul Chek shares a mix of current scientific opinion, metaphysics, and my experiences with tai-chi, Qi-gong, meditation, and my experiences in shamanism as a means of explaining what he personally feels unconditional love (UCL) is, and how that relates to consciousness.

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Two Simple Mental Steps to Counter the Effects of Stress

In this video extracted from the feature documentary, The Connection, Harvard Professor Herbert Benson discusses the two simple mental steps needed to evoke the relaxation response, a physiological response in the body opposite to stress.

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