Below are the best videos we could find on LGBTQIA Relationships.
While LGBTQIA relationships may present outwardly as different from non-LGBTQIA relationships, studies have repeatedly shown that similar variables predict outcomes of stability and overall contentment for both types of relationships, and that LGBTQIA relationships experience the same level of overall satisfaction as their heteronormative counterparts. A healthy relationship is a healthy relationship, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. That being said, LGBTQIA people can experience higher rates of mental and emotional distress stemming from their position as stigmatized minorities, which can add extra difficulty to their relationships. Having to navigate discrimination and judgment from family members or from greater society puts unique stressors on non-heteronormative relationships. Luckily, there are many resources available for members of the LGBTQIA community to help them navigate the highs and lows of their personal relationships in a loving and accepting environment.