Kindness & spiritual practices

Below are the best resources we could find on Kindness and spiritual practices.

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Boundless Heart: The Buddha’s Path of Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity

Compassion, kindness, equanimity, and joy are not only the fruits of the awakened life, but also the path to it—attitudes of mind that can be cultivated through intention and dedication.

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The Spiritual Practice of Kindness

I wonder how the world would be, how we would live, how children would learn if we intentionally cultivated the spirit of being kind each day. In a world filled with fear and cruelty, we are itching for an outbreak of this characteristic.

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Rabbi Rami on Contemplation and Compassion

Rabbi Rami discusses kindness and compassion's impact in providing directions on our lives.

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FindCenterI think joy and sweetness and affection are a spiritual path.

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